Welcome message to IATEFL Associate ETAG (Georgia)

IATEFL Associate ETAG (Georgia)

Welcome from all of us at IATEFL to the first eBulletin for Associates!

We’re excited to be able to bring you news that is specifically for associates. The eBulletin will provide information for all associates on forthcoming events both around the world and online. In doing this, we hope to encourage collaboration between associates at national, regional and international level.

Further collaboration between IATEFL SIGs (Special Interest Groups) and associates is also something we hope to address with our eBulletin. The wealth of knowledge contained within all 15 SIGs and 123 associates can be shared amongst us all through conferences, webinars, training and many other avenues. We hope that the eBulletin will provide the platform to develop and strengthen these relationships.

We are currently working hard on the final details for the next Associates Day at the 50th Annual IATEFL Conference in Birmingham in 2016. We are going to have more involvement from the associates themselves as well as a workshop with Adrian Tennant which focuses on grant application. We hope that you’ll leave with some concrete ideas and examples of how to complete a successful application for all of the grants and awards on offer for IATEFL associates.

This eBulletin is for you so please get involved. All information on forthcoming events whether in situ or online should be sent to associaterep@iatefl.org for inclusion in the Associates eBulletin.

With best wishes,
Lou McLaughlin
IATEFL Associates Representative