ETAG baseline study

Funding organization: The British Council

The ETAG baseline project is the preliminary stage of the overall ETAG development project: ETAG 2005

Specific Objectives:

  • to draw up a detailed picture of the English Teachers’ Association of Georgia (ETAG) at the end of 2001 and identify its strengths and weaknesses.
  • use the findings and results of the study as the main point of reference for future projects, by identifying those areas of ETAG activity which need further development and financial support.


  • A 30-page research report: ETAG in December 2001: A Baseline study. The study gives a detailed account of the ETAG financial and management structures, and outlines past and present ETAG events, including the opening of regional branches.
  • The survey of members’ views on the future development of ETAG distinguished two main priorities for future development:
  • Equipping each ETAG branch with well-maintained premises and internet connection;
  • Providing more opportunities for professional development (creating and conducting teacher training courses) and greater networking with national and international colleagues.